We have a range of 1 1/2 Metre Shrubs available. The list below has the Common name, Botanical name and Other names that the various 1 1/2 Metre Shrubs are known by.
Common Name / Botanical Name / Other Name
- Agonis / Agonis Flexuosa / Southern Wonder
- Agonis / Agonis Flexuosa / Agonis Nana
- Westringia / Westringia Rosmariniformis / Native Rosmary
- Westringia / Westringia Fruticosa / Variegated Form
- Bird Of Paradise / Strelitzia Reginae
- Gardenia / Gardenia Augusta Magnifica / Golden Magic
- Gardenia / Gardenia Florida
- Tuscany Blue / Rosmarinus Officinalis
- Portuguese Pink / Rosmarinus Officinalis
- Indian Horthorn / Rhaphiolepis Indica Alba
- Indian Horthorn / Rhaphiolepis Xdelacourii / Springtime
- Polygala / Polygala X Dalmaisiana / Compact Form
- N.Z. Christmas Bush / Metrosideros Tomentosa / Dalese
- Bottle Brush / Callistemon Splendens X Pallidus / Hot Pink
- Captain Cook / Callistemon Viminalis /
- Acalypha / Acalypha Wilkesiana / Dwarf Form
- Fijian Fire Plant / Acalypha
Some plants are seasonal or out of stock for a short time, please ring for availability.
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Alternatively you can give us a call and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.