We have a range of Ground Covers available. The list below has the Common name, Botanical name and Other names that the various Ground Covers are known by.
Common Name / Botanical Name / Other Name
- Grevillea New Blood / Grevillea Juniperina
- Grevillea Obtusifolia / Grevillea Thelemanniana
- Grevillea Mount Tamboritha / Grevillea Lanigera
- Grevillea Crithmifolia
- Dampiera Diversifolia
- Seaside Daisy / Erigeron Karvinskianus
- Lotus / Lotus Berthelotii
- Snow In Summer / Cerastiumtomentosum
- Gazania Variegata
- Ice Plant / Aptenia Cordifolia / Baby Sunrose
- Dymondia Marguerite
- Lippia / Phyla Nodiflora
- African Daisy / Osteospermum Ecklonis / Passion
- African Daisy / Arctotis Hybrid / Red Magic
- African Daisy / Drosanthemum Floribundum / Purple
- Dichondra / Dichondra Repens
- Native Violet / Viola Bederacea
- Prostrate Rosemary / Rosmarinus Officinalis Prostrata
- Pearlwort / Sagina Subulata
- Chinese Star Jasmine / Trachelospermum Asiaticum
- Climbing Fig / Ficus Pumila
- Purple Boobialla / Myoporum Parvifolium / Purple Leaf Form
- Creeping Boobialla / Myoporum Parvifolium / Pink Form
- Ajuga / Ajuga Reptans Purpurea
- Ajuga / Ajuga Reptans / Burgundy Lace
- Lantana White / Lantana Montevidensis / ‘Alba’
- Lantana Mauve / Lantana Montevidensis / ‘Mauve’
- Alternanthera / Alternanthera Amoena / Gold Dust
- Alternanthera / Alternanthera Ficoidea / ‘Tricolour’
- Scaevola / Scaevola Aemula / Purple Fanfare
- Scaevola / Zig Zag
- Scaevola / Scaevola Humillis / Purple Fusion
- Silver Bush / Convolvulus Cneorum’
Some plants are seasonal or out of stock for a short time, please ring for availability.
Drop by and you will be greeted by our friendly experienced staff who will be more than happy to offer you some expert advice on your gardening needs.
Alternatively you can give us a call and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.